Greg Brady was the oldest Brady kid.  He was athletic--playing football, baseball, and basketball; a good musician and singer, and was junior high student body president. He liked girls and cars.  He held down part time jobs at Mike's office and Sam's butcher shop.  He shared a bedroom with his brothers until he moved to the attic.  He briefly moved to Mike's den.  He was in charge of kids meetings.  He wrote his own songs, was in a group the Banana Convention, and went solo as Johnny Bravo.  He helped Marcia try to see Davy Jones, helped Peter win the love of Kerry, and bought hair tonic from Bobby.  His enemy was Warren Mullany who beat him out for first string on the basketball team.  He liked to make huge sandwiches in the kitchen.   Greg gave Marcia dating advice "Just tell him something suddenly came up."  His hair went from being straight, to wavy, to curly.  His eyebrows tended to get bushy in the middle seasons, and he wore sideburns the final season.  He bought his first car for $100.  He also dabbled in photography, surfing, and moviemaking.  He was in the frontier scouts.  He had a serious surfing accident in Hawaii.  He lost the driving competition to Marcia and the chin-up contest to Bobby.  He wanted to live by "exact words."  He was grounded for looking at an album cover while driving.  Got caught smoking.  Once tried to store a goat in the house.  He was often seem shooting baskets outside.  Was close to Marcia.  Was a ladies man.  Dated Rachel, Jennifer, Kathy Lawrence, and Sandra.  Greg graduated high school in the final episode.

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Barry Williams - Now and Then

Barry Williams' Bunch

To "Growing Up Brady"

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