by Laura Nachman

Here are some observations from the eye of Hurricane Isabel coverage on the local stations from 3-8 p.m. Thursday night.

Get Me Back to the West Coast - NBC10's Amy Freeze, who arrived here from Utah last year looked scared to death during her reports from VA Beach.

Best Fashion Accessory - NBC10's Karen Hepp's retro Phillies cap

Worst Fashion Accessory - 6ABC's Dave Roberts' umbrella that is as big as New Jersey

Hot Item - Many reporters were holding anemometers, a gadget that measures the wind.

Hurricane Hottie - NBC10's Doug Kammerer.  He's making viewers quickly forget John Bolaris.

Happy His Nickname Isn't Tornado - NBC10's Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz

Dr. Philadelphia - CBS3 didn't pre-empt "Dr. Phil" at 5 p.m.

"Noprah" - Oprah got pushed aside for Jim Gardner and company at 4 p.m. on 6ABC.

Best Investment - Since arriving to CBS3 in January, weather woman Kathy Orr has anchored a major snowstorm, a crazy summer, and the hurricane.

She's Like the Wind - Poor Michele McCormack of 6ABC could barely stand up during her live shots from Kill (the operative word) Devil Hills, NC.

Troopers - Nine months pregnant Renee Chenault-Fattah on NBC10 and just back from medical leave Lisa Thomas Laury on 6ABC.

Most Disturbing Image -  Forget the massive waves, wreckage of property, and terrible conditions.  My biggest gasp-worthy moment was when I switched to Comcast SportsNet and saw that former Eagles' great Bill Bergey shaved his beard!